
This page is all about gyaru fashion! Information pics and everything you want (and need) to know is here! If you want i can post some Q&A posts; so just ask if there's anything bothering you or crossing youre mind and it has something to do with this style!

Love, Mareoi<3

Basic gyaru. It's what you'll find from most of common gyaru magazines (Egg, Ranzuki, Popteen, ViVi..).
This basic style has a lot of similaritys with western youngster fashion. Basic gyaru-kei can be splitted in various "subspecies" (and there might be dozens of them..!), but th style it self is quite simple and the idea of it is very easy to understand; be young, be happy, be fashionable!

Basic gyaru-kei girl
Manbas are those super tanned and colorful girls who paint their eyes with white and shock people with their bold style! Rumour sais that manba was born 2004 when YaManbas dissapeard from the streets. There are various versions from manba, like banba and super extreme edge version tsuyome manba!



Onii-kei and Gyaru-O are mens replications from gyaru style and their sanctuary is Tokyos huge gyaru fashion malls (Shibuya109) second version, Shibya109-2. Just like in female version, in this style the keywrod are lively hair cuts, tanned skin and bling bling! (authors NOTE: don't mess gyaru-o up eith o-gyaru what means "dirty-gyaru"! Japanese media came up with this term on the time when they tought that gyaru lifestyle is dirty and suspicious! ;D)
Couple HOTTIES...<3
So, what makes gyaru a lifestyle? Under term gyaru have been formed a culture of young women and men! They even have their own alphabets!! Anycase, it's hard to summarize the whole gal-culcure in couple sentence, so i'll apologize all the flaws before i write any further! 
When gals only homecountry was Japan, it's not suprise that communality was import at that time. Maby the best way to express it is gal-circles. There are two kind of circles: nagomi circles (nago-sa), that are comfort circles where girls and boys gather together to go shopping, dancing and having fun together!
Event circles (ive-saa) are more larger and organized groups, who arrages differend kinds of clubevents or even transformation games for those who are interested in gyaru! Ivesaas also collect monthly payment to cover expenses of the circle promotion or renting the clubs. 

Even the main poin in this style is to be stylish and take care of your body, the attitude is also important thing!  The "ideology" of gal fashion is to accentuate the one-off youth, beauty and happy lifestyle!  The most important thing to gyarus is to be young and have fun, 'cause someday they'll grow up and settle down. So when you have opportunity, BE YOUNG AND HAVE FUNNNN!!!

1 kommentti:

  1. It sells lots of Japanese gyaru stuff and clothes liked MA*RS .They ar very cheap and cute!!!!Let's come to have a look��. http://gyarug.livejournal.com/
